Residential Park (find out more here)
Woodlands park is situated in the popular village of Hordle a short distance from both the New Forest National Park and the outstanding local coastline. The Georgian Harbour town of Lymington is approximately 5 miles away and benefits from a wide range of amenities, shops, bars and restaurants, there's even a market and the mainline railway station to London Waterloo. Lymington is surrounded on three sides by the New Forest National Park and sits on the western bank of the Lymington River which leads into the Solent, with beautiful views of the coast. Whilst to the west is the coastal marshes nature reserve, and Hurst Castle built in 1544 by Henry VIII .
The following rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the Park, which will benefit all of the occupiers, and to
maintain and promote community cohesion. They will form part of the Agreement by which homeowners occupy the pitch in accordance with
Mobile Homes Act 1983 (as amended).
These rules are made to ensure that all may live peacefully in unspoilt surroundings and have not been compiled to place unnecessary restrictions on occupiers. We are sure that, provided the rules are accepted in the right spirit our Park will continue to be a happy community.
Condition of the Pitch
1. For reason of ventilation and safety the underneath of each home is to be kept cleared and not used for storage.
2. Fences, or other means of enclosure are not allowed unless they are close board fencing with concrete posts and concrete kick boards and
homeowners have the approval of the Park Owner (which will not be withheld unreasonably).
3. External fires, including incinerators are not allowed.
4. No flammable substances may be kept on the Park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use.
5. No explosive substances may be kept on the Park.
6. The resident is responsible for ensuring that all exposed pipes are properly insulated against frost damage including those from the base of
the Park home.
7. The resident must not interfere or disturb any part of the Park which is not your responsibility, in particular, please do not interfere or disturb the
flora or fauna.
8. Only one storage shed and one garage is permitted on each pitch. For any new or replacement shed the design, size and standard of the shed
must be approved by the Park Owner, in writing (approval will not be withheld unreasonably) and so positioned as to comply with Park’s site
licence conditions.
Any structure erected in the separation space between park homes must be non-combustible construction.
9. All occupiers are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local
authority service. Containers which include sacks, must not be over-filled and must be positioned with access for ease of collection.
10. The deposit of any refuse or unroadworthy vehicles on any part of the Park is strictly prohibited.
Business Activities
11. Occupiers must not use their Park homes, the pitch or the Park (or any part of the Park) for any business purpose.
12. No person under the age of 50 years may reside in a park home.
13. Musical instruments, MP3 players, CD players, radios other audio 0appliances and motor vehicles must not be used to cause a nuisance to
others, especially between the hours of 10.30 pm and 9.00 am.
14. No more than one dog and no more than one domestic cat are permitted per Park home. Dog breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs
Act 1991 are not permitted on the Park. Any dog must be kept under proper control at all times and must be kept on a short leash when
outside a homeowner’s pitch. They should not be a nuisance or allowed to despoil the Park.
Vacant Pitches
15. Access is not permitted to vacant pitches. Building materials, equipment and/or plant must be left undisturbed.
16. All vehicles must be driven carefully on the Park and not exceed the displayed speed limit.
17. Parking is not permitted on the roads or grass verges.
18. Parking is only permitted on driveways or in parking spaces.
19. Other than delivery goods vehicles and services you must not park or allow parking of commercial vehicles of any sort on the Park
Light commercial or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation and vehicles intended for domestic use but derived from or adapted from such commercial vehicle.
20. You must not park or allow to be parked or store or allow to be stored any touring caravan, camper van, motorhome, boat or trailer except for loading or unloading purposes.
21. You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive any vehicle on the Park. You must also ensure that any vehicle you drive on the Park is taxed in accordance with the requirements of law and is in a roadworthy condition.
22. Disused or unroadworthy vehicles, however owned, must not be kept on the Park. The site owner reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned.
23. You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows) or other objects likely to give offence on the Park, and you may only keep them on your pitch or in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and that they are securely stored in accordance with that licence.
External Decoration
24. Homeowners must maintain the outside of their park homes in a clean and tidy condition. Where the exterior is repainted or recovered homeowners must use reasonable endeavour not to depart from the original colour scheme.
Woodlands Park