Residential Park (find out more here)
Gawthorpe Edge Park is a residential park located in Lancashire. Ideally situated in a woodland setting, the family-run park offers 105 park homes spanning 15 acres of beautiful countryside land. The Ward family acquired the park in 2006, and they have since done a fantastic job managing the park, which has earned them many accolades. The family takes management of the park seriously, which is why homeowners can rest assured that they will enjoy every moment of their stay in Gawthorpe Edge Park.
The park is a 2-minute drive from Padiham, offering excellent shopping opportunities and general amenities. Despite being located in a countryside setting, the park does not lack when it comes to things to do or nearby attractions. The well-tended gardens add to the natural beauty of the park and the picturesque backdrop of trees and vegetation.
Homeowners living on Gawthorpe Edge will benefit from its strategic location on the main bus route, the M65, which is just a few minutes away. There are also routes connecting Burnley to other parts of Lancashire like Accrington and Blackburn, where you will find many options for attractions and leisure spots to relax and unwind. Also, there is a regular bus service that connects to several parts of the town and the heart of Lancashire.
Gawthorpe Edge Park provides an environment where you can spend your retirement years in a peaceful and calm setting that is also very secure. You will also benefit from living in a close-knit community with like minds and friendly neighbours who will keep you company, so you are never alone. The park gives a unique opportunity to form new relationships that will last a lifetime.
There are many attractions and amenities nearby. You can explore the historic Gawthorpe Hall, an Elizabethan country house located on the banks of the River Calder, or take walks by the riverside. The estate is a designated world heritage site. Explore the hiking routes through Pendle Hill, or visit Thompson Park. You will always have fun activities.
Modern park homes offer excellent value for money, have affordable maintenance overhead, and are energy efficient. The park has necessary utilities such as mains electricity supply, LPG gas, water and drainage.
Pets are allowed in the park. If you have a cat or dog, you do not have to worry about leaving them behind, as they can live with you. However, you may not be allowed to replace them should anything happen to them during your stay. This rule only applies to cats and dogs, except assistance and guide dogs.
At Gawthorpe Edge Park, your home is yours to do as you please, and you are free to pursue your favourite hobbies and pastime. But they must be within the guiding regulations of the park.
These rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the Park which will be of general benefit to Occupiers, and to promote and maintain community cohesion.
They form part of the Agreement by which homeowners occupy their pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended.
In these rules :
"occupier" means anyone who occupies a Park Home, whether under an Agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies or under a tenancy or any other agreement.
"you" and "yours" refers to the homeowner or other occupier of a Park Home. "we" and "our" refers to the park owner.
None of these rules are to have retrospective effect. Accordingly:
they are to apply only from the date on which they take effect, which is 14th December 2014; and
No occupier who is in occupation on that date will be treated as being in breach due to circumstances which were in existence on that date and which would not have been in breach of the rules in existence before that date.
These rules also apply to the Park Owner and any employees (for as long as they may live on the Park), with the exception to the following rules 1,16,23 & 26.
The minimum acceptable age for occupiers is 5O years and no person/s below that age may reside in a home on this Park. The Park Owner reserves the right to approve additional permanent members of the occupier's household-a permanent member of the household means either spouse or approved partner. The approval must be in writing and that approval will not be unreasonably withheld in respect of someone aged 5O years and over.
The Park Home may be used by the occupier and bone fide guests . The occupier will at all times be responsible for the conduct of their guests. Guests may stay for a maximum of 6 weeks at any one time.
To ensure adequate ventilation you must keep the underneath of your home clear and not use it as a storage space.
Nothing should be allowed to grow on the boundary fencing thus preventing maintenance of the fence panels themselves. No timber fences are allowed between homes. Where the occupier has a pet dog a low level green mesh fence to a maximum height of 1.25 metre will be allowed to be erected at the rear and at the side of the Park Home.
Washing lines, TV aerials and satellite dishes must be screened from public view where possible.
Trees and shrubs may be planted on the pitch but the occupier must ensure that any easement rights which exist with utilities companies are not breached. If in doubt please enquire at the Park Owner's Head Office.
No external fires of any kind are allowed.
You must not keep inflammable substances on the Park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use.
You must not keep explosive substances on the Park.
Occupiers must keep and maintain the outside of their Park Home and pitch in a clean and tidy condition. Any footpaths and driveways on the pitch must be kept in a good and safe state of repair and condition. Where the exterior of the Park Home is re-painted or recoated the only permitted colours are off white and shades of cream and beige. No other colours are acceptable.
No external alterations of/or additions to the Park Home or pitch are permitted without our written permission. This is to ensure compliance with the Site Licence conditions and that in the case when additions are proposed for the home itself that the concrete base upon which the home is sited can withhold the additional weight which such work may cause. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
You must not use or display guns, firearms and offensive weapons on the Park and you may only keep them in your home if you hold the appropriate licence and if they are securely stored in accordance with the terms and conditions of that licence.
You must not have more than one non-combustible storage shed on your pitch. Where you source the shed yourself the design, standard and size of the shed must be approved by us in writing such approval will not be withheld or delayed unreasonably. You must position the shed so as to comply with the Park's Site Licence and fire requirements and towards the rear elevation of the home and not towards the roadway. The footprint of the shed shall not exceed 48 square feet.
You must not have any storage receptacle on the pitch other than the shed mentioned in rule 12 above and any receptacle for the storage of domestic waste pending collection by the local authority.
You are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers supplied by the local authority service. You must not overfill containers and must place them in the approved position for the local authority collections.
You must not deposit any waste or rubbish other than in local authority approved containers on any part of the park (including any individual pitch).
You must not use the Park Home, the pitch or the Park (or any part of the Park) for any business purpose and must not use the Park Home or the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or last used for any business purpose.
However, you are at liberty to work individually from home carrying out any office work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at the Park Home or the Park.
You must not use musical instruments, all forms of recorded music players, radios and other similar appliances and motor vehicles so as to cause a nuisance to other occupiers, especially between the hours of 10.30pm and 8.00am.
You must only use fire points in case of fire.
Electricity Meter Boxes. The individual fuse boxes and the cabling from the fuse box back to each home is owned by the occupier. The Park Owner does not own any of the switchgear or cabling and is only responsible for the maintenance of the exterior structure of the meter boxes themselves.
You must drive all vehicles on the Park carefully and within the displayed speed limited and adhere to any one way system in operation.
Every home has a designated parking space which is next to the Park Home for up to a maximum of two cars. You must not park more vehicles than your designated car parking space/s allows.
You must not park on the roads or grass verges. You must only park in the permitted parking spaces.
Other than for delivering goods and services, you must not park or allow the parking of commercial vehicles of any sort on the Park, including;
* light commercial or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation and
* vehicles intended for domestic use but derived from or adapted from such a commercial vehicle.
The exception to this are vehicles driven by the Park Owner and/or by any of the Park Owner's employees or sub contractors.
No commercial vehicles may be parked on the Park overnight.
You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive your vehicle on the Park. That vehicle must be taxed as required by law and be in a roadworthy condition.
Disused or unroadworthy vehicles must not be kept anywhere on the Park. We reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned.
You must not carry out the following works or repairs on the Park:
major vehicle repairs involving dismantling of part/s of the engine.
works which involve the removal of oil or other fuels.
The term vehicle includes both cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles. The only exception to this rule is for Park employees and sub contractors employed by the Park.
Any occupier who owns a touring caravan/motor caravan/motorhome/trailer tent may bring it onto the Park for a maximum of 2 days before and 2 days after a holiday for loading and unloading purposes only. Whilst on the Park these must be left unoccupied.
An occupier may move onto the Park with not more than two dogs, or two cats or one dog and one cat-the dogs must not be of any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991-plus any pets or animals which are housed within a cage, aquarium or similar and which remain at all times within your home. Cat and dogs cannot be replaced when they die. The only exception to this rule is for anyone who requires a guide dog or an assistance dog. In such a circumstance all that would be required is a letter from the homeowner's Doctor confirming such a requirement and upon receipt we will provide the written consent without delay.
You must keep any dog or cat under proper control and you must not permit it to frighten other users of the Park. You must keep any dog on a leash not exceeding 1m in length and must not allow it to despoil the Park. Dogs must not be kennelled outdoors.
The express terms of an occupier's agreement contain an undertaking on the part of the occupier not to allow anything which is or becomes a nuisance, inconvenience or disturbance to other occupiers of the Park and this undertaking extends to the behaviour of pets and animals.
These rules do not have retrospective effect. If the pet complied with the previous rules, an occupier will not be treated as being in breach when these rules take effect. However, when the pet dies it cannot be replaced except in the case of a guide dog or an assistance dog along the terms detailed in rule 28.
Gawthorpe Edge Park
Padiham Road
BB12 6PB